Optometry Clinic Management System

by Indian Mesh Pvt Ltd

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INR 48000

60000 License Cost


Optometry clinic management system is solution tailored to tart up the daily operations of an optometry clinic. This integrated platform encompasses various key functionalities crucial for efficient clinic management.

It centralizes patient information, including demographics, medical history, and appointments, facilitating easy access and accurate record-keeping. The system automates appointment scheduling, sending reminders to minimize no-shows and optimize clinic resources.

In essence optometry clinic management system enhances operational efficiency, patient care quality, and regulatory compliance, empowering optometry practices to thrive in the modern healthcare landscape.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) Support: System offers Specific modules to support orthokeratology procedures, including corneal topography analysis, lens fitting, and follow-up management for patients undergoing ortho-K treatment.

Low vision assessment: Specialized assessment tools and templates are there for conducting comprehensive low vision evaluations, including visual acuity testing, contrast sensitivity, and functional vision assessments.

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation: Modules for assessing and managing visual deficits associated with traumatic brain injury, concussion, or neurologic conditions, including visual processing disorders, oculomotor dysfunction, and visual-vestibular integration therapy.

Contact lens management: Advanced tools for managing contact lens prescriptions, ordering, inventory tracking, and patient education on contact lens care and usage.

Specialized image analysis: Advanced image analysis tools for interpreting optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus photography, and retinal angiography images, aiding in the early detection and monitoring of retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.

Reports and analysis: Reporting tools to analyze clinic performance metrics, patient demographics, appointment trends, and revenue generation for informed decision-making.





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